Tuesday, July 1, 2008

In the beginning. . .

So, you want to be an expert, do you? Well, it'll take work, but I'll take care of the hard part--teaching you the concepts and the techniques. Whether you want to be an expert who can sell services to the legal industry, or you just want to claim a unique talent for whatever reason, stay tuned and stay in touch. Feedback is the key--you ask, I answer. Or, you ask, and one of our other readers/co-leaders will answer. Regardless, this will be a venue for your personal entrance to the exclusive realm of "the expert."
First, a little about me so you will know with whom you are chatting. I'm an attorney in Phoenix, and have specialized in the field of medical malpractice defense for over thirty years. What? Why should you listen to me? Because the field of medical malpractice is expert witness intensive, and I have had to learn about experts at a conceptual level so I could prepare my clients and expert witnesses to present themselvess as true "experts" to juries in the courtroom.
In coming weeks, I will help you understand at a conceptual level what an expert really is, which will help you more clearly see how to go from Point A (where you are now on your journey) to Point B (where you want to be someday--making money based on your expertise and ability to perform as an expert).
Once you understand at a conceptual level what being an expert is all about, we'll take you to the next level: the process of development--yeah, it will take some work, but believe me, it will be much easier with help from me and with a clearer understanding of the stepping stone pathway you will need to traverse to achieve your goal!
In later weeks, we will explore marketing and client develpment, as well as sustainability. Beyond that, we'll see. With input and feedback from readers and co-leaders, I hope this proves to be an invaluable networking and development tool.
See you next week, URXpert.

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